Director of Equal Opportunity & Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator monitors 博彩平台推荐’s compliance with Title IX, oversees complaints, and delivers Title IX training.

Blake Wingo, Title IX Coordinator & Equal Opportunity Officer

University Police - 678-839-6000
The University Police Department provides traditional law enforcement services, security, and emergency response to the University community 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, 365-days a year.

Health Services

健康服务部门为所有支付了本学期健康费用的学生提供设施和服务. These services include, but are not limited to, free and confidential assistance for those impacted by sexual assault. Services include medical treatment, forensic exam, medications and advocacy.

博彩平台推荐 Advocates

博彩平台推荐 Advocates are Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs) trained in victim, medical, and academic advocacy.  In addition to victim services, 指导心理健康症状的治疗和受疾病影响的学生, injuries, or family emergencies is available at no charge. To learn more about 博彩平台推荐 Advocates, please visit their website.  

Corey Hindman, Advocate

博彩平台推荐 Advocate Crisis Line - Ph: 470-215-9946
一名博彩平台推荐倡导者每周7天每天24小时为性侵犯受害者提供服务, intimate partner violence and/or stalking. 

Counseling Center - Ph: 678-839-6428
Provides confidential counseling with licensed therapists.

Carroll County Emergency Shelter
Ph: 770-834-1141 

West Georgia Prevention & Advocacy Resource Center (PARC)
The West Georgia Prevention & Advocacy Resource Center provides direct service to survivors of sexual assault, their families, and their friends. 他们有24小时热线,提供危机干预和宣传.
Ph: 770-834-7273

National Domestic Violence Hotline
全国家庭暴力热线为任何受到关系虐待影响的人提供电话和聊天服务, including those who are currently in abusive relationships, those who are working to heal, 受害者和幸存者的朋友或家人以及社区中任何对家庭暴力有疑问的人.
Ph: 1-800-799-7233

National Sexual Assault Hotline
When you call 800.656.霍普(4673),你会被送到你所在地区的性侵犯服务中心. 训练有素的员工可以提供保密的支持,并将你与你所在领域的资源联系起来.
Ph: 800-656-4673

  • The complainant and the respondent have the right to be treated with respect, dignity, and sensitivity throughout the process.

  • 投诉当事人有权得到迅速、彻底、公平和公正的审查程序.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权被告知校园和社区的支持服务,如咨询, health, advocacy, and other services.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权选择自己选择的顾问,并在第九条过程中提供指导和支持. 

  • 投诉当事人有权要求通过接受过年度培训的人员管理的程序对投诉进行审查,这些人员了解如何进行公正的调查和审查,以确保被投诉人和投诉人的公平和正当程序.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权被告知并获得申诉程序的副本.

  • If a grievance is filed, 投诉人和被投诉人有权在聆讯前至少10个工作日获得所有相关证据的副本.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人都有权审查自己的陈述,并就记录的内容提出书面意见. An addendum may be added to the report prior to finalization.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权提供包括证人在内的任何相关证据, written/electronic statements and documentation during the Title IX process. Each party will provide the names and contact information for their witnesses. Reasonable attempts will be made to contact the witnesses.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权收到他们被要求或有资格参加的任何会议或听证会的书面或电子通知.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权向第九条协调员提出问题. Additionally, during Title IX hearings, 双方将有机会让他们的顾问对对方进行交叉询问. During sexual misconduct hearings, 对方当事人可以向听证人员提出书面质询, who will coordinate the questioning.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权在聆讯小组作出任何制裁前作出声明。.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权同时被书面告知纪律处分程序的结果,包括任何制裁。. 《博彩平台推荐》(FERPA)并不禁止投诉人收到有关纪律处分程序结果的信息,包括任何制裁。. 被发现对违反不当性行为政策负责的教职员工将受到纪律处分,包括书面谴责, suspension, demotion or termination.

  • 报告称受到性侵犯时受到酒精或毒品影响的学生可获得赦免,不受大学对酒精和毒品的制裁. Generally, 承认酗酒或吸毒不会对他们在大学纪律处分程序中产生不利影响,也不会主动向执法部门报告. However, 学生可能会被转介到博彩平台推荐咨询中心进行药物和酒精评估和教育. 大赦政策不提供保护,使学生免受因参与非法毒品或酗酒而可能面临的法律指控.

  • The complainant and respondent may have the right to appeal a decision.

  • Anyone who has made a report or complaint, provided information, assisted, 以任何方式参与或拒绝参与不当性行为处理, shall not be subjected to retaliation. 

  • During the investigation and adjudication of the matter, 学生被告有权保持沉默而不产生任何不利的推论. However, if the student respondent chooses to remain silent, the investigation and adjudication may ultimately still proceed. 博彩平台推荐员工应在任何内部调查中给予最大程度的合作.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权定期获得有关调查和/或解决情况的最新情况.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权在法律允许的范围内保护隐私.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人有权以偏见为由要求参与调查或裁决投诉的任何人员回避.